Welcome to the Orakel
Ever since I was a small child I could communicate with others that could not be seen to everybody else. I am Clairsentient, Clairvoyant, Claircognizant; I have the ability of Retrocognition, Precognition and Psychometry.
I was not bought up around any religion or spiritual beliefs, however, I knew I had something different. I hid this for all my childhood, and in early adulthood I started to share things I felt with strangers to help them with things they were telling me, without telling them it was coming from a unseen source.
As time went by I started helping more and more people, and I went online and through different channels to help people. As my reputation grew and developed through word of mouth, a clientele base of returning customers also grew. My customers asked me to set up an online booking system to make things easier for them, so here we are, a very warm welcome to everyone, some I know already, and some I will get to know in the future.
I have always kept the pseudonym TheOrakel as I never really wanted everyone to know who I was. I now have some clients who themselves are in very important positions or are known on a large scale to the public, and keeping the pseudonym has become as important to them, as it has to me. I understand fully the importance of their privacy, and I never repeat anything I am told, I have been someone people can confide in, when they have had no-one else and that is very rewarding.
I have a unique astrological natal birth chart.
I offer various services, we can chat and I can give you insights, I can read tarot for you, and I can read your astrological chart. To read your astrological chart I will need you tell me some information about yourself, however to talk with you, or read your tarot you can remain completely anonymous.
I offer telephone consultations, email consultations and on special occasions I will do one 2 one appointments with long term clients.
I can help you answer the questions you have always wanted to ask!
Mediumship: When people pass to the other side, they often transition very quickly (sometimes instantly) to a new energy source, for this reason contacting the exact person or energy you want to is not always possible, I will be able to help you using a range of abilities described below.
The ability to perceive emotional or psychic energy that is not normally perceptible to the five senses. People who are clairsentient can be aware of other people's emotional energy. They may even feel what the other person is feeling as if it were happening to them. The ability a psychic possesses which allows them to use their senses to determine when something positive or negative is about to occur in life.
A "sixth sense," the mysterious ability to know something that can't be observed.
I am able to physically see objects or auras related to the person having the psychic reading. In some cases I will know exactly what has happened to them or around them in the past.
The ability for a person to acquire psychic knowledge without knowing how or why they knew it.
Often described as a “clear knowing.”
To know something without any prior knowledge.
The ability to perceive past events through extrasensory means or directly, and is also known as postcognition or hindsight.
An Ability to see past lives or events that happened before you were born.
To help you understand why you may be experiencing certain things in your current life.
It can be used to help you make peace with the events that have occurred in your life.
In relation to precognitive dreams, which are dreams that eventually come true.
Often associated with déjà vu, which is the feeling that you have experienced something before.
An ability to capture knowledge of an object's history by making physical contact with it.
Due to every object having an energy field around it, which contains information about the people who have come into contact with the item.
Sometimes this can be used to help someone passover in to the next life, or find a path in the next realm if they have already passed and have found themselves lost or taken off course.